Weather Dashboard

Windguru Forecast

Seafront - live wind

See also the Exmouth NCI weather station

Warning - both of these seafront weather stations under read if there is any North component to the wind

Duckpond - live wind (Weather station currently out of order)


There are two spots in Exmouth - the Sea Front and Duck Pond. The wind and tide conditions dictate which will be best at any particular time.

  • Duck Pond is better around High Tide with winds coming from the north.
  • Sea Front is better around Low Tide with winds coming from the south.

See the detailed Spot Guides for more information




  • Exmouth NCI Weather Station - under-reads if the wind has any North in it so check the Duckpond one above too. Can be offline and showing old data at times so check the error at the top - if it’s showing red and “4 hours since last update”. Click on the dials to see a history.
  • Starcross Yacht Club Weather Station